Nov 16, 2017The yield trap of 2017DANIEL MUELLER | Want to know the biggest yield trap of 2017? Each year there are dividend plays that turn out to be yield traps. In...
Nov 16, 2017Telstra's Trump momentDANIEL MUELLER | Did Telstra just have its Trump moment? Prior to Telstra’s FY17 result, media articles abounded speculating the company...
Nov 16, 2017Is Woolworths regaining its mojo?DANIEL MUELLER | Woolworths “is a wonderful organisation, with enormous upside.” This was the first thing former CEO Grant O’Brien said...
Nov 16, 2017Big hat, no cattleSAM DYSON | Mining 101: a good mining company makes money at the low end of a steep cost-curve. This is BHP’s strategy and it is working...
Nov 9, 2017Capitalising on R&DSAM DYSON | Looking for assets the accountants can’t see Even well-known companies can have ‘hidden assets’. There could be an...